At Dawda, we understand that real property taxes constitute a significant expense for owners. We also understand that real property taxes are a necessary source of revenue for government. All taxation, however, must be fair and within the boundaries of the law. Our clients count on us to assist whenever a property has been excessively and/or unlawfully assessed. To that end, Dawda will aggressively represent you with any disputes you have with your local or state taxing authority in order to make sure that your property taxes are fairly and correctly assessed.

Tax law is an area that may change regularly. In order to keep abreast of fluctuations that may affect our clients, we closely monitor the legal developments related to tax law. We are always connected to information about the most updated tax laws published by the U.S. Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and leading tax law publications.

During Voting Season Don’t Step on the Line Between Church and State

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It is critical for religious institutions to hew closely to the laws regarding what they can and cannot do in the political arena. Missteps in this regard could jeopardize a church, synagogue or mosque’s non-profit [...]

New IRS Form Helps Charities Apply for 501(c)(3) status

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The Internal Revenue Service rolled out a new, shorter application form for charities that are applying for 501(c)(3) status. The form, which was published in July of 2014, appears to be a useful tool for [...]

Making Joint Ventures Work

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Access to new markets and customers, leveraging of existing knowhow, and the development and exploitation of new technology: all are really good reasons to start a joint venture with that new potential business partner your [...]

FATCA: Unintended Consequences

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In 2010, Congress passed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. At the time, there was very little press coverage or debate about the so-called FATCA. First of all, it was an add-on to an employment [...]

Offer in Compromise Legislation: What is it and what does it change?

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Governor Rick Snyder signed significant tax legislation, making official the Offer In Compromise Legislation (OIC), also known as Michigan Public Act 240 of 2014. The Michigan Department of the Treasury will be able to offer [...]