At Dawda, we understand that real property taxes constitute a significant expense for owners. We also understand that real property taxes are a necessary source of revenue for government. All taxation, however, must be fair and within the boundaries of the law. Our clients count on us to assist whenever a property has been excessively and/or unlawfully assessed. To that end, Dawda will aggressively represent you with any disputes you have with your local or state taxing authority in order to make sure that your property taxes are fairly and correctly assessed.
Tax law is an area that may change regularly. In order to keep abreast of fluctuations that may affect our clients, we closely monitor the legal developments related to tax law. We are always connected to information about the most updated tax laws published by the U.S. Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and leading tax law publications.

“Main Street Fairness” Law Enacted in Michigan
Governor Rick Snyder signed legislation (to take effect October 1, 2015) designed to require online sellers of tangible goods to Michigan residents to collect the state’s sales tax, partially closing a loophole which some internet [...]
Good Tax News Just Passed by Michigan Legislature for Farmers, Fisheries
The Michigan Legislature and Governor are providing healthy tax cuts to promote the expansion of indoor farming and indoor fishery industries in Michigan. The Legislature passed changes to existing property tax laws, which were signed by [...]
A Guide to the IRS Social Media Tools
The Internal Revenue Service is trying to stay current by utilizing social media. The reason: to inculcate improved customer service and to aid in increased tax compliance. Taxpayers can tap into these messages and act [...]
Last Minute Charitable Giving
As 2014 draws to a close, you can still squeak in some last-minute charitable giving, just in time to be able to deduct them on your 2014 income tax return. Charitable giving tax deductions are [...]
What Happens to Your Facebook Page: Another Issue of Estate Planning A series of legislative bills (House Bills 5366-5370) are pending in the Michigan House of Representatives. The purpose of the proposed bills is to grant fiduciaries such as executors, conservators, trustees and [...]
Tax Relief as a Result of the August 11, 2014 Floods
photo by We all know how devastating the severe storms and flooding that began on August 11, 2014 were for residents in Oakland, Wayne and Macomb County. Thousands of families lost valuable [...]