At Dawda, we understand that real property taxes constitute a significant expense for owners. We also understand that real property taxes are a necessary source of revenue for government. All taxation, however, must be fair and within the boundaries of the law. Our clients count on us to assist whenever a property has been excessively and/or unlawfully assessed. To that end, Dawda will aggressively represent you with any disputes you have with your local or state taxing authority in order to make sure that your property taxes are fairly and correctly assessed.

Tax law is an area that may change regularly. In order to keep abreast of fluctuations that may affect our clients, we closely monitor the legal developments related to tax law. We are always connected to information about the most updated tax laws published by the U.S. Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and leading tax law publications.

US Treasury Announces Delay in Key FATCA Component

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In 2010, Congress passed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), but it did not become effective until July of 2014. Now, a key component of FATCA is being delayed, according to the U.S. Treasury [...]

IRS Commissioner Talks About Ramifications of IRS Staff Reductions

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Just a week prior to April 15th, also known as “Tax Day”, John A. Koskinen, the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service spoke at the gathering of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center in Washington, D.C. [...]

Tax Issues for Divorced Parents with Dependent Children

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Getting divorced can be a complicated process. But, the complications are not necessarily over when the judge formalizes a divorce decree. Tax season is another one of those complicated times of the year. One of [...]

Funerals and Tax Forms: Estate Planning Issues for Surviving Spouses

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Going through the grief process is not the only difficult work that has to be done after the death of a spouse. Indeed, following this significant loss, handling the estate becomes a new high priority [...]

Real Property Tax Appeals: What You Need to Know

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Municipalities are sending out notices of real property tax assessments for 2015. For residential properties, there are very tight time frames for appeals to your local Board of Review (usually set forth in the notice [...]