At Dawda, we understand that real property taxes constitute a significant expense for owners. We also understand that real property taxes are a necessary source of revenue for government. All taxation, however, must be fair and within the boundaries of the law. Our clients count on us to assist whenever a property has been excessively and/or unlawfully assessed. To that end, Dawda will aggressively represent you with any disputes you have with your local or state taxing authority in order to make sure that your property taxes are fairly and correctly assessed.

Tax law is an area that may change regularly. In order to keep abreast of fluctuations that may affect our clients, we closely monitor the legal developments related to tax law. We are always connected to information about the most updated tax laws published by the U.S. Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and leading tax law publications.

US Supreme Court To Hear Digital Sales Tax Case

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By Jeffrey D. Moss, Esq. and Jaclyn Culler, Law Clerk On April 17, 2018, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in South Dakota v. Wayfair. The Court will reconsider the long-standing rule [...]

The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program is Scheduled to End Soon

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The IRS announced that the popular offshore voluntary disclosure program (OVDP) used by taxpayers to divulge previously unreported foreign assets with reduced penalties will be ending effective September 28, 2018. Under the terms of the [...]

Avoiding Cash “Boot” in a 1031 Exchange

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By Kylie Bergmann, associate at Dawda. Section 1031 tax-deferred exchanges have become common with taxpayers who intend to reinvest the proceeds from the sale of an investment property into another investment property to defer capital [...]

Michigan Asset-Protection Trust: What You Need to Know

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Recently, the Michigan Legislature passed a new law that permits the creation of an asset-protection trust. The Act (Public Act 30 of 2016) was signed on December 8, 2016 and has an effective date of March [...]

IRS Unveils Pilot Project to Prevent Fraud

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Year after year, we hear about tax-related identity theft, which is both a complicated and widespread problem for millions of individual and business taxpayers, as well as for the IRS. The ID theft typically involves [...]

Hard at Work this Week: Tax Professionals and Tax Scam Artists

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Today begins the final week of last minute tax preparation prior to next Monday’s filing date of April 18, 2016. This busiest of tax seasons is also the time when the bad guys, tax scam [...]