Not all disputes require or merit going to trial in order to achieve a positive result. The attorneys at Dawda are experts in identifying when alternatives to trial, such as mediation, facilitation and arbitration, will yield the desired benefits at a more favorable cost than a trial. Our goal is to pursue a strategy that makes the most sense for each individual client’s needs, and we help guide our clients to the option that will produce the greatest benefit for the fairest cost.


The attorneys of Dawda are highly experienced in representing insurance companies and policy holders in a wide array of manners related to insurance coverage litigation, including:

Mediation: What is It and When Should it be Utilized?

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95% of cases settle before trial. Within the past couple of decades, there has been a huge push within the legal profession to facilitate settlement through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Mediation or facilitation (used interchangeably [...]

Why Should We Care about Delaware?

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What’s the big deal with the state of Delaware? It’s the smallest state in the union, and it’s ranked #45 in population with under a million residents. But it’s oversize in importance to American businesses. [...]

New Michigan laws governing non-profit corporations

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There are new laws on the books in Michigan, which may have a significant impact in the governance and operation of non-profit organizations. These laws, known as Public Acts 557, 558 and 559 of 2014 [...]

Michigan Business Courts: A New Approach to Litigation

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Business litigation is changing in Michigan. Public Act 333 officially requires Michigan circuit courts that have three or more judges to establish specialized business court dockets. Those courts with less than three circuit judges may [...]

Don’t Let Your Drafting be Drafty

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In my experience most attorneys fancy themselves as capable, even good, writers. Sadly, in my experience, many of them are wrong (or, at least, they don’t have or don’t spend the time necessary for their [...]

Banking Funds Garnishment Ruling

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Good news for our banking clients: We recently secured a favorable opinion when the Court of Appeals found that the placing of funds in a bank account as a trustee is not sufficient to establish [...]