Not all disputes require or merit going to trial in order to achieve a positive result. The attorneys at Dawda are experts in identifying when alternatives to trial, such as mediation, facilitation and arbitration, will yield the desired benefits at a more favorable cost than a trial. Our goal is to pursue a strategy that makes the most sense for each individual client’s needs, and we help guide our clients to the option that will produce the greatest benefit for the fairest cost.


The attorneys of Dawda are highly experienced in representing insurance companies and policy holders in a wide array of manners related to insurance coverage litigation, including:

Fraud: Eating at the Bottom Line

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Fraud. It can do more damage to your business’ bottom line than unexpected utility price increases and even hikes in health care costs. But while most business owners fret about upticks in prices of commodities [...]

Compassion and the Law: Vagrancy, Homelessness and Property Owners

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The recent visit of Pope Francis to New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. required a monumental effort by the cities’ leaders and rank and file in terms of preparation. Massive security details were implemented and [...]

Learning from Glen Campbell and Casey Kasem: Fractured Families

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Sometimes, the stories of celebrities’ troubles illustrate the most tragic, heart-wrenching aspects of modern life. This is particularly true in the lives of two legendary men: radio star Casey Kasem and country singer Glen Campbell. [...]

Non-Compete Agreements: What You Need to Know

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Non-compete agreements continue to be used frequently in Michigan. Michigan courts regularly enforce non-compete agreements, with certain exceptions. Why do non-compete agreements exist? To ensure that employees don’t become an unfair competitive threat in the [...]

Litigation Mission Impossible: This Message will Self Destruct

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Several new phone apps, including one underwritten by Dallas Mavericks’ owner, entrepreneur and Shark Tank regular Mark Cuban, are shaking up the world of litigation. Mark Cuban, after being charged by the SEC for insider [...]

Bike Night, Twin Peaks and Franchise Agreements

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The recent violence at a Waco, Texas restaurant has called into question the rights and responsibilities of franchisees and franchisors. On May 15th, during a so-called “Bike Night” at the Waco Twin Peaks, an enormous [...]