Our expert team of experienced attorneys are available to counsel employers on the practical aspects of the employment relationship by creating employment policies, procedures, conducting compliance reviews, preparing employee handbooks, and providing advice on employee hiring, discipline, and termination, as well as preparing release and severance agreements when the employment relationship ends.
We also have the experience to work with our clients to train employees in employment relations and personnel matters as part of the strategy of avoiding legal claims and improving employee morale, the goal of which is to increase productivity and have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line. Our training has covered almost every topic involved in the labor and employment relations area with some more popular sessions addressing the issues of sexual harassment, wage and hour, violence in the work place, application of critical employment policies and how to remain union free. We have found that training seminars for supervisors and mid to upper management is an effective method to help improve and sustain positive employee relations.

During Voting Season Don’t Step on the Line Between Church and State
It is critical for religious institutions to hew closely to the laws regarding what they can and cannot do in the political arena. Missteps in this regard could jeopardize a church, synagogue or mosque’s non-profit [...]
Walking the Line: Corporate Healthy Lifestyle Incentives, the ACA and the ADA
Businesses continue to offer health care benefits to their employees, firstly out of corporate culture tradition, and now in order to comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As corporate financial officers review the costs [...]
Salary Secrecy and the Law
Many corporations and even small businesses admonish their employees not to discuss their salaries. Some employers even threaten sanctions, including firing, for those who discuss their salaries with other employees. What rights do employees have in [...]
Intricacies of Workplace Discrimination
There are many legal aspects to being an employer. Employers must ensure that they are in compliance with the various state and federal regulations that govern workplaces. Two areas of compliance that are particularly complex [...]
Background Checks, Ban the Box and Best Practices in Hiring
Employers have to weigh many decisions when they are involved in the hiring process. They have to find the right fit when choosing a new employee. Among the data gathered is past employment history, which [...]
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to Work: Issues to Consider
Lots of employees are bringing their own personal electronic devices, such as smart phones, tablets and laptops and utilizing these devices for work. If this is happening with your employees, then you have some BYOD [...]