Our expert team of experienced attorneys are available to counsel employers on the practical aspects of the employment relationship by creating employment policies, procedures, conducting compliance reviews, preparing employee handbooks, and providing advice on employee hiring, discipline, and termination, as well as preparing release and severance agreements when the employment relationship ends.
We also have the experience to work with our clients to train employees in employment relations and personnel matters as part of the strategy of avoiding legal claims and improving employee morale, the goal of which is to increase productivity and have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line. Our training has covered almost every topic involved in the labor and employment relations area with some more popular sessions addressing the issues of sexual harassment, wage and hour, violence in the work place, application of critical employment policies and how to remain union free. We have found that training seminars for supervisors and mid to upper management is an effective method to help improve and sustain positive employee relations.

Classic Employer Pitfalls
As an employer, you have so many balls to keep in the air. Under these circumstances, it is understandable that staying on top of employment law becomes subservient to just trying to retain employees and [...]
Social Media and the Workplace
Social media is a constantly changing landscape. Legislative bodies as well as state and federal courts are having to traverse this landscape, creating a patchwork of different laws as these issues are addressed and [...]
Non-Compete Agreements: What You Need to Know
Non-compete agreements continue to be used frequently in Michigan. Michigan courts regularly enforce non-compete agreements, with certain exceptions. Why do non-compete agreements exist? To ensure that employees don’t become an unfair competitive threat in the [...]
Handling Pregnant Employees with “Kid Gloves”
Pregnant employees are often just like other employees: willing and able to be productive and happy to be employed now and in the future. Nevertheless, accommodating the needs of pregnant employees can be tricky. Employers [...]
Employee vs. Contractor: the Uber Conundrum
The status of Uber drivers is shaking up definitions of employees versus contractors. If you haven’t hired a driver from Uber (or their biggest American competitor Lyft), you are likely older, more suburban, or possibly [...]
You Can’t Ask That!
Yes, there are stupid questions. When you are hiring an employee, everybody who is involved in the interview process needs to be well trained and well versed in the legal aspects of the hiring process. [...]