

Changes in the Attorney Grievance Commission

Attorneys are known for and relied upon to keep their clients within the confines of the law and ethically balanced while guiding them toward the best possible outcome in difficult [...]

Global News Impacts Michigan: Chinese Economic growth, environmental issues and the Role of Cars

Observing the scope and pace of Chinese economic growth is fascinating for many Westerners, economists, business people and just interested Sinophiles. China is sui generis in so many ways: its [...]

Legal Implications of Crowd Funding

Crowd funding has risen to prominence as a solution in creative financing. But what seemed like a simple process has been complicated through recent rulings of the SEC.  The SEC [...]

Marc Salach and Dan Israel to Present on Shareholder/Operating Agreements and Compensation Matters For CPA Firms and Other Professional Organizations

Marc Salach and Dan Israel are presenting on the topic "Shareholder / Operating Agreement and Compensation Matters for CPA firms and other Professional Organizations" at the MACPA Conference on June [...]

Dawda is Client Choice Winner 2013, Law Firm of the Year for Employee Benefits (Michigan)

Through the efforts and reputation of Dawda Member, Theresa Joswick, the firm was chosen as the Client Choice winner of the 2013 Corporate International Magazine Legal Award for the following category: [...]

Permanent Estate Plan Relief

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 ("Taxpayer Relief Act") has been signed into law by President Obama in 2013. The Taxpayer Relief Act makes permanent changes to the estate, [...]

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