Real Estate




Why Should We Care about Delaware?

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What’s the big deal with the state of Delaware? It’s the smallest state in the union, and it’s ranked #45 in population with under a million residents. But it’s oversize in importance to American businesses. [...]

The EPA Clean Water Rule: a Work in Progress

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The Environmental Protection Agency has drafted and published the Clean Water Rule. The EPA has already presented it to community stakeholders and held public comment meetings. Now the Rule has been sent to the Office [...]

The Summer Internship: Education, not Employment

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Exams are ending (have already ended at UM and MSU), students are moving out, and the season of the summer internships is upon us. Internships allow young people the opportunity to have hands-on learning in [...]

Commercial Landlord’s Headache: When Your Tenant Files Bankruptcy

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Several large companies and small local concerns have filed bankruptcy. How does this affect their commercial leases, including their current and future rental payments? Before we give some general advice, we must provide this specific [...]

New Michigan laws governing non-profit corporations

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There are new laws on the books in Michigan, which may have a significant impact in the governance and operation of non-profit organizations. These laws, known as Public Acts 557, 558 and 559 of 2014 [...]

Dawda Breakfast: Stage for Ford’s Hinrichs Presentation

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Media from the automotive industry reported about Joe Hinrichs' presentation at the Dawda Automotive Industry breakfast.   "Without divulging the future, we're very excited about the Continental name," says Hinrichs.  No more "alphabet soup" for [...]