Real Estate




Handshake Felt Round the World: Global Business Etiquette

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In honor of Labor Day, we thought we would take a trip around the world to review business customs and etiquette. What we take for “normal” corporate behavior is not always universal. The best way [...]

Social Security Benefits for Same Sex Spouses

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The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced in a status conference in federal court that there will be new rules as a result of the United States Supreme Courts Obergefell decision legalizing same sex marriage. Representatives [...]

Non-Compete Agreements: What You Need to Know

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Non-compete agreements continue to be used frequently in Michigan. Michigan courts regularly enforce non-compete agreements, with certain exceptions. Why do non-compete agreements exist? To ensure that employees don’t become an unfair competitive threat in the [...]

Dawda attorneys included in Best Lawyers in America

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Several attorneys of Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler, PLC were selected by their peers for inclusion in the 22nd Edition of The Best Lawyers in America, 2016 Specific attorneys and the fields of nomination are [...]

Michigan Senate Bill May Change Solar Energy Rates

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The Michigan Senate is reviewing changes that would likely increase the electric bills for producers of solar energy, changing the calculus of the state’s net energy metering (NEM) policy. The essence of the bill changes [...]

Driverless Cars and their Impact on Real Estate

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Driverless cars seem to be here to stay. From Google cars to other automakers’ models, there are many test models and varieties. Although there have been a few fender benders, these largely safe cars are [...]