Real Estate

Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy and Sadler, P.L.C. Celebrates 20th Anniversary at Detroit Institute of Arts and Donates to Oakland Family Services
Established in 1995, by attorneys still proud to work together at Dawda, this year marked the Firm’s 20th anniversary. It is with sincere gratitude to their clients, colleagues, friends and families, that Dawda celebrates this [...]
Choosing the Best Mediator for Your Case
As I discussed in a previous blog (Mediation: What Is It and When Should It Be Utilized?), very few cases go to trial. There has been a marked shift in the past twenty years to [...]
Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy and Sadler, P.L.C. Selected for Inclusion in 2016 “best Law Firms” Rankings in U.S. News – Best Lawyers®
Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy and Sadler, P.L.C. is proud to announce its inclusion in the U.S. News & World Report, 2016 “Best Law Firms” list. Firms included in the 2016 “Best Law Firms” list are recognized [...]
Fraud Alert, Part II: Prevention
Fraud can potentially cost your business a lot of money and hurt your reputation in the marketplace. In last week’s blog we discussed some of the most common fraudulent activities: check tampering, payroll tampering and [...]
Fraud: Eating at the Bottom Line
Fraud. It can do more damage to your business’ bottom line than unexpected utility price increases and even hikes in health care costs. But while most business owners fret about upticks in prices of commodities [...]
Classic Employer Pitfalls
As an employer, you have so many balls to keep in the air. Under these circumstances, it is understandable that staying on top of employment law becomes subservient to just trying to retain employees and [...]