Real Estate

Exempt or Not-Exempt: That is the Question and the Answers are Changing
The Department of Labor (DOL) is proposing changes to the federal regulations that deal with overtime pay, particularly regarding exempt and non exempt employees. An exempt employee (who must be primarily an executive, administrative or [...]
Michigan Cloud Tax Evaporates Somewhat, Refunds Could Follow
The Michigan Department of Treasury is now required to change its tune with regard to remote access to software, commonly known as “cloud access” or “cloud software” In the recently adjudicated case Auto-Owners Ins. Co. [...]
Goodbye, Yellow Taxi
San Francisco is a town where people need rides. Between the population density on the island, the somewhat low per capita car ownership and the ubiquitous hills, hailing cabs has been a part of the [...]
Global Concerns, Local Impact: Automobile Issues in London, Delhi and Beijing
Beijing air pollution Pollution and congestion in Delhi, London and Beijing may have an impact on worldwide automobile demand and therefore production right here in Detroit. London has been limiting congestion in its [...]
Making a Decision about a Merger or Acquisition: What You Should Consider
Many times business owners are presented with an opportunity that can be fraught with wrong moves: whether to merge or acquire another business. Sometimes the business is a competitor and merging seems like a great [...]
The Real Estate Road Ahead: Signs to Notice
Photo courtesy of Real estate, especially in Southeast Michigan, has been a bit of a roller coaster affair. It can be difficult to determine if the market will continue to improve or [...]