Real Estate




Is America Becoming Bearish on Commercial Markets?

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The signs are mixed. The prices for commercial real estate have remained stable throughout the United States, particularly in high end markets, like New York City office and apartment building prices. But the newest figures [...]

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues in the Workplace

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Many employers would rather not deal with any issues of sexual orientation or gender identity at the office, considering these to be private matters and not topics for an employee handbook. But the Equal Employment  [...]

Tax Deduction Checklist

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It’s tax preparation time in America.  Are you taking advantage of certain deductions and credits that may allow you to decrease your tax bill?  Here's a few: Child and Dependent Care Credit: If you (and [...]

The Latest Budget and Environmental Tax Credits

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President Obama has several “last times” coming up. Among his most recent “last” was his final proposed budget for the 2017 fiscal year. President Obama’s budget still has not been enacted. Many of the components [...]

TRID: The 4 letter word you better understand

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TRID stands for the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure. TILA is the Truth in Lending Act and RESPA is Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. Both TILA and RESPA were consumer protection regulations, originally designed to protect home [...]

FBI vs. Apple and the Rights and Limits of Privacy

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  Perhaps you have been watching the dance between Tim Cook, CEO of Apple and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ostensibly, they are fighting over one phone. But it’s much more complicated than that. THE [...]