Dawda attorney, Brian Considine, accepts OCBA Committee of the Year Award on behalf of Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Law Committee.

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Pictured from left to right: Phil Grashoff, Kyle Jones, Brian Considine, Nick Maloof, Sue Sadler and Mark Hester (fellow committee members). Photo courtesy of the Oakland County Bar Association, taken by Kristen Dimich. [...]

Is Relief on the Way for the FAA’s Outdated Drone Rules?

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The word "drone" usually conjures up images of large unmanned planes hammering terrorists in their redoubts in Afghanistan. However, most drones are much smaller (and more benign) than that; in fact many are lighter than [...]

Microbeads and the Great Lakes: new Illinois legislation

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The latest substance to be banned due to environmental concerns: microbeads. These tiny pieces of plastic are used in multiple personal cleaning and exfoliant products and often as embellishments in nail polish. They are most [...]

Global News Impacts Michigan: Chinese Economic growth, environmental issues and the Role of Cars

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Observing the scope and pace of Chinese economic growth is fascinating for many Westerners, economists, business people and just interested Sinophiles. China is sui generis in so many ways: its size, its population, its “managed” [...]