All companies should have an appreciation of the issues associated with employee use of email, text messaging and social media. From acceptable use policies, to monitoring employee traffic to delivering effective training programs, we have the background and expertise to assist. Our goal is always to help our clients achieve best practice status.

Technology Licensing and Transfer

Our experiences and talented counsel represents clients in all facets of technology licensing and transfer—ensuring that all parties to these transactions have a clear understanding of the deal, and that it is properly documented.

Our representation spans the continuum of technology transfer transactions. We recommend early intervention to aid in developing an efficient and effective acquisition process. Well-defined objectives and expectations lead to full and accurate specifications. Full and accurate specifications lead to informed negotiations. Informed negotiations lead to comprehensive and unambiguous agreements. Comprehensive and unambiguous agreements lead to open and productive relationships. Open and productive relationships lead to deal satisfaction for all parties.

Our lawyers have practiced this philosophy in hundreds of technology transfer transactions. Our collective experience includes:

We represent clients ranging from Fortune 50 companies to start-ups. We understand our clients’ businesses and the language of technology, and how the laws and regulations, new and old, apply to those businesses.

Alert: Michigan’s Section 404 Wetland Program

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On December 11, 2013, Region 5 of the U.S. EPA held a hearing on Michigan’s Section 404 Wetland Permitting Program. Interested parties still have time to submit written comments to the U.S. EPA regarding its [...]

The United States of Energy (Part 1)

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock or in a cave for the past year you’ve probably heard that U.S. oil and gas production is going strong. In fact, it’s going like gangbusters. According to [...]

United States of Energy (Part 3) – Solar

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In our prior posts on this topic we described the remarkable increase in U.S. oil and natural gas production. Another area that isn’t getting as much press but shouldn’t be overlooked is the renewable energy [...]

Changes to Phase I Environmental Audits (Part I)

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ASTM International, is a widely recognized standards development organization that, recently issued ASTM International E1527-13 Standard Practice for “Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process”. As we previously blogged, EPA was considering a [...]

A Closer Look at ASTM E1527-13 ( Part II )

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A review of EPA’s comments on its adoption of the ASTM E1527-13 standard provides some guidance as to EPA’s perspective on what constitutes a complete Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The focus of this blog [...]