Our attorneys provide loan structure advice and documentation, review and negotiation of secured and unsecured commercial transactions.
Dawda’s team of Banking and Financial Services attorneys have vast experience in counseling lenders on loan restructures and lender liability issues.
We represent lenders in litigation and assist our clients through litigation to judgment and collection.

US Treasury Announces Delay in Key FATCA Component
In 2010, Congress passed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), but it did not become effective until July of 2014. Now, a key component of FATCA is being delayed, according to the U.S. Treasury [...]
Commercial Landlord’s Headache: When Your Tenant Files Bankruptcy
Several large companies and small local concerns have filed bankruptcy. How does this affect their commercial leases, including their current and future rental payments? Before we give some general advice, we must provide this specific [...]
Banking Funds Garnishment Ruling
Good news for our banking clients: We recently secured a favorable opinion when the Court of Appeals found that the placing of funds in a bank account as a trustee is not sufficient to establish [...]
During Voting Season Don’t Step on the Line Between Church and State
It is critical for religious institutions to hew closely to the laws regarding what they can and cannot do in the political arena. Missteps in this regard could jeopardize a church, synagogue or mosque’s non-profit [...]
Bank Mergers and Mortgage Assignments
When banks voluntarily merge, which is happening a lot these days, the purchasing bank or the resultant entity must be vigilant in assigning all the mortgages or face the risk down the road if the [...]
Legal Implications of Crowd Funding
Crowd funding has risen to prominence as a solution in creative financing. But what seemed like a simple process has been complicated through recent rulings of the SEC. The SEC has limited social media as [...]