Our attorneys provide loan structure advice and documentation, review and negotiation of secured and unsecured commercial transactions.
Dawda’s team of Banking and Financial Services attorneys have vast experience in counseling lenders on loan restructures and lender liability issues.
We represent lenders in litigation and assist our clients through litigation to judgment and collection.

The U.S. Supreme Court Affirms IRS Authority to Request Financial Records without Notification
In a recent landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), confirming the IRS has the ability to request financial records from banks and other financial institutions without [...]
Transitioning Away from LIBOR: What’s Next?
The transition away from LIBOR, the abbreviation for the London Interbank Offered Rate, has left many asking, what is next? LIBOR is set to be phased out at the end of 2021. As of June [...]
Want to Put Money in an Offshore Account? Here’s What You Need to Know
Jeff Moss was featured in a U.S. News & World Report article discussing offshore accounts. Read what he has to say below! By Maryalene LaPonsie Stashing money in a Swiss bank account sounds like something [...]
The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program is Scheduled to End Soon
The IRS announced that the popular offshore voluntary disclosure program (OVDP) used by taxpayers to divulge previously unreported foreign assets with reduced penalties will be ending effective September 28, 2018. Under the terms of the [...]
Making a Decision about a Merger or Acquisition: What You Should Consider
Many times business owners are presented with an opportunity that can be fraught with wrong moves: whether to merge or acquire another business. Sometimes the business is a competitor and merging seems like a great [...]
No More Swiping: Credit Cards 2.0
If you’ve traveled to Europe, you may be aware that European credit and debit cards are more technologically advanced than many American credit cards, even cards issued from the very same financial institution. In fact, [...]