Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler, PLC is proud to announce its inclusion in the U.S. News & World Report, 2020 “Best Law Firms” list.

Firms included on the “Best Law Firms” list are recognized for professional excellence with persistently impressive ratings from clients and peers. To be eligible for a ranking, a firm must have a lawyer listed in The Best Lawyers in America, which recognizes the top 5 percent of practicing attorneys in the U.S.

The 2020 rankings are based on the highest number of participating firms and client votes received on record. Almost 16,000 lawyers provided more than 1,229,000 law firm assessments, and more than 12,000 clients participated providing 107,000 evaluations.

Ranked firms, presented in three tiers, are listed on a national and/or metropolitan scale. Receiving a tier designation reflects the high level of respect a firm has earned among other leading lawyers and clients in the same communities and the same practice areas for their abilities, their professionalism and their integrity.

Dawda is ranked Tier 1 in eight practice areas in our region. Those practice areas include:

Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law
Corporate Law
Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law
Environmental Law
Litigation – Environmental
Litigation – Real Estate
Real Estate Law
Trusts & Estates Law

The 2020 “Best Law Firms” rankings can be seen in their entirety by visiting bestlawfirms.usnews.com